If you are installing a new manufacturing line or setting up a new plant or working in an under construction building, bridge, railway line or doing maintenance work, there are high chances of welding sparks being involved which is a huge fire hazard for your existing plant/building and personnel.
Recently a Fire broke out at Serum Institute of India, Pune most probably due to welding work at an under construction building. The welding sparks may have fallen onto a flammable material causing ignition resulting in a massive fire. Under construction buildings do not have activated fire protection systems hence it is important to have a first line of defense.
This first line of defense is provided by our FM approved highest rated Fire blankets for Welding. Our FM approved fire blankets are High Silica Fabrics offering direct temperature resistance upto 1600 degree Celsius. These high temperature and fire resistant fabrics come in two thicknesses namely 0.7 mm and 1.2 mm and are certified to FM, BS EN 45545, IS 11871 and ISO 6940 fire standards.
To protect existing equipment or flammable material it is important to use the best quality welding blankets.
For any queries regarding welding blankets and fire blankets get in touch with us at Sales@RNG.Asia.